Vegas video
source + more info ( Some notes: - Touted (rumored) as 30% faster than Vega 64 - 16GB HBM2 - It's being called a 'content creators' card that can be used for gaming - This is not the long-awaited Navi card, more info on that should come out later - Truly the Chungus of cards ( /s - ( actual pic of card ( - there will be no 'blower-style'. I use Sony Vegas so much, I have silly weird GIFs I wanna showcase. I might showcase a few of them in /r/TruckStopBathroom, but I am also looking for a sub with more subscribers in it so I can appeal Bit of an odd request I know, but I've been looking into them for my current planned playthrough, researched them a bit but was curious to here Jon talk about them again. If memory serves it was in NV YOLO, I guess at the time he got the rebreather but I don't know which episode that was also that could be totally wrong and it was in JSawyer run or something. ( I have worked on this for months and months, I would appreciate anyone who takes the time to give this a chance and if you want.tell me what you think. Just to be clear, I didn't make this but the creator would like it shared throughout the fallout community and I believe it deserves attention. ( amp#x200B.